Theia90 Astronomy Now Review

Hello Astronomers!

Our latest product, the Theia90 star Diagonal, has been reviewed and featured in Astronomy Now!

Grab yourself a copy and peruse to page 108 to see their lovely review. Here are a few of the highlights:

“The Theia90 has an almost futuristic appearance. Eshewing the conventional tubular or boxy forms of its competitors, the main frame is angular, giving it an impressive pseudoaerodynamic look.”

“It might seem just a simple thought to use a star diagonal’s body as a filter chamber too, but that is how strokes of genius appear, in retrospect…The beauty of this system is that filters can be placed in this primary optical position, doing their task unmoved for any eyepiece or camera changes ‘downwind’.”

“The diagonal’s mirror is of excellent quality, and observational comparison with one or two of my own diagonals gave me no cause to doubt that the 46mm (minor axis) mirror is as stated, one-tenth wave with 99 per cent reflectance.”

“Observation using the diagonal confirmed the quality of the mirror and the precision of the engineering. I pre-populated the three filter rings with a selection of broadband colours and it was a joy (even fun!) to be able to swap them out for each other as I observed”

“True to its makers’ name, this diagonal is a precisely made piece of astronomical engineering, and looks the part with flair. The ease with which its filters can be deployed lifts it above the level of a common utility, and I have no hesitation in recommending it.”

Pop over to the Theia90’s page to see more details.

One thought on “Theia90 Astronomy Now Review

  • 21st October 2018 at 3:13 pm

    It was good to meet you guys at the 2018 IAS in Warwick.
    I won this Theia90 diagonal in the nPAE 2018 competition. However, I have not been asked to review this item favourably in any way.
    The item is very well made and feels substantial. It weighs 545 grams so will not add too much additional load to your mount. The individual filter holders fit well and are held securely by small magnets into the main diagonal body. Each filter holder has a clean thread for screw mounting individual 2″ filters in place. There is also a screw thread to mount an additional 2″ filter direct to the main body of the diagonal.
    The eyepiece/camera holder has two thumb screws tightening a compression ring to ensure secure mounting of any eyepiece or camera.
    The unit comes in a tough, water and dust proof box similar to a Pelican case together with an individual wavefront Zygo analysis report specific to the diagonal.

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