Astrofest 2017 – Kensington Town Hall


We had a great time at Astrofest over the weekend. Got to talk to many people about our company and products as well as look at all the amazing things other people are doing. We were kept busy both days so weren’t able to go to any of the talks but we will keep that in mind for next year!

Thankfully though we were able to talk to many people about how our turret could be used in their observations including being part of a mobile observatory which sounds like an amazing project. At the end of the event we gave 2 units over to reviewers, one from Astronomy Now and one from Alpha Lyrae. As soon as the reviews come out we will post what details we can here so keep an eye out.

Below are some photos of when it was quiet in the mornings 🙂

Finally a BIG thank you to the girls who helped us out over the 2 days, it would have been too much without you.

Wishing you all clear skies,

Nick and Dave

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